Meditation Retreats
Meditation Retreats 禪修活動
Amata Meditation Center | AMATA 醍醐寺
15511 Barnesville Rd, Boyds, MD 20841
Events are primarily hosted in English | 活動以英文為主
02/15-17, 2025
Registration ended
3-Day Samadhi Meditation Retreat
Instruction Language: English
Prerequisite: none, all levels of practitioners are welcome
First-time Participant: Please click here to review what you should expect at our retreats
2/15 9 AM Check-in | 2/17 5 PM Conclusion
This 3-day course is ideal for individuals who want to experience a meditation retreat but are unable to commit to a full week-long immersion. The program focuses on cultivating samadhi (concentration), which can help reduce stress, ease anxiety, boost productivity, and lay the groundwork for other meditation practices.
The course runs daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Lunch is provided, and lodging is available upon request. Registration is required.
05/24-28, 2025
registration opens in mid-March 2025
Loving-Kindness Meditation Retreat
Instruction Language: English
Prerequisite: none, all levels of practitioners are welcome
First-time Participant: Please click here to review what you should expect at our retreats
5/24 3 PM Check-in | 5/28 12 PM Conclusion | 5/28 2-4 PM Post-retreat teatime social
Loving-Kindness is one of the four qualities of Brahmavihara (Divine Abidings) and serves as the foundation for the Brahmavihara meditation technique. It is one of the oldest and most popular meditation methods during Buddha's time. According to the Path of Purification (Visudhimagga), the practice of Brahmavihāra is considered as one of the three universal practices that all cultivators must be trained on; as it eliminates ill will, calms anxiety, and fosters harmony in a community. Not only does this method helps to develop samadhi (concentration), but also resolves interpersonal issues making it the most suitable method for laypeople. This method also accumulates experience and skills that serve as a bedrock for insight meditation (vipassana).
At Amata Meditation Center, this meditation method is considered the most crucial practice for all meditators. This retreat is a foundational course that serves as a prerequisite for future retreats.
慈心禪 禪五
教授語言:英文 | 參加資格:新舊學員皆可 | 首次參加學員:請點此查看本院禪修氛圍
5/24 3 PM 報到 | 5/28 12 PM 圓滿 | 5/28 2-4 PM 茶會交流
慈心禪為四無量心禪修的最重要根石,是佛教最早與最根本的禪修方法之一。根據《清淨道論》的說法,佛陀所教導的禪修方法中有三個必修法門,四無量心便為其中之一,因為它可以消除惡意,平息焦慮,並促進團體的和諧。這個方法不僅能增長修行者的定 (samadhi),也能幫助解決人際關係問題,使得它成為最適合在家人士修習的禪修方法;此外,它所培養的禪修技巧以及經驗能在進一步作為修行內觀 (vipassana) 的基礎。
7/4-6, 2025
event detail will be published later, registration opens in early May 2025
8/30-9/06, 2025
registration opens in late June 2025
Mindfulness of Breath Meditation Retreat
Instruction Language: English
Prerequisite: none, all levels of practitioners are welcome.
First-time Participant: Please click here to review what you should expect at our retreats
8/30 3 PM Check-in | 9/06 12 PM Conclusion | 9/06 2-4 PM Post-retreat teatime social
Mindfulness of Breath (Anapanasati, literally translated as “mindfulness of inbreath and outbreath”) is one of the most popular and common meditation methods. By paying attention to one’s breath, the cultivator can attain samadhi (concentration) and experience “sublime peace and unadulterated bliss” (Suttavibhanga 321). With diligent practice, this method can serve as the foundation for one’s attainment of sainthood.
教授語言:英文 | 參加資格:新舊學員皆可 | 首次參加學員:請點此查看本院禪修氛圍
8/30 3 PM 報到 | 9/06 12 PM 圓滿 | 9/06 2-4 PM 茶會交流
安般念,或原意為出入息觀,是佛教禪修中最流行和最廣泛傳授的方法之一。修行者會通過關注呼吸而體驗「寂靜、勝妙、純粹」《經分別 321》,而達到禪定,若勤修習,其為道果的根本。
11/22-29, 2025
registration opens in late September 2025
Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
Instruction Language: English
Prerequisite: Prior attendance of at least two Brahmavihara retreats
11/22 3 PM Check-in | 11/29 12 PM Conclusion | 11/29 2-4 PM Post-retreat teatime social
“There is one direct path for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the disappearance of pain and distress, for the attainment of the right method, and for the realization of Nibbana. This is namely the practice of the four establishments of mindfulness.” (DN 22: Mahasatipatthana Sutta)
Satipatthāna (four establishments of mindfulness), also known as Vipassanā or Insight Meditation, is the practice of establishing right mindfulness on the four aspects of body, feeling, mind, and dharma. Through this practice one understands the nature of arising and passing away, impermanence, dukkha, and non-self. Through this realization one can be liberated from distress and rebirths, and attain sainthood.
教授語言:英文 | 參加資格:最少參加過兩次四無量心禪修
11/22 3 PM 報到 | 11/29 12 PM 圓滿 | 11/29 2-4 PM 茶會交流
12/20-27, 2025
registration opens in late October 2025
Brahmavihara Meditation Retreat
Instruction Language: English
Prerequisite: none, all levels of practitioners are welcome
First-time Participant: Please click here to review what you should expect at our retreats
12/20 3 PM Check-in | 12/27 12 PM Conclusion | 12/27 2-4 PM Post-retreat teatime social
Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Empathetic Joy, and Equanimity Meditation, collectively known as Brahmavihara (Divine Abidings), sometimes known as Appamanna (Four Immeasurable Minds), is one of the oldest and most popular meditation methods during Buddha's time. According to the Path of Purification (Visudhimagga), the practice of Brahmavihāra is considered as one of the three universal practices that all cultivators must be trained on; as it eliminates ill will, calms anxiety, and fosters harmony in a community. Not only does this method helps to develop samadhi (concentration), but also resolves interpersonal issues making it the most suitable method for laypeople. This method also accumulates experience and skills that serve as a bedrock for insight meditation (vipassana).
At Amata Meditation Center, this meditation method is considered the most crucial practice for all meditators. This retreat is a foundational course that serves as a prerequisite for future retreats.
四無量心 禪八
教授語言:英文 | 參加資格:新舊學員皆可 | 首次參加學員:請點此查看本院禪修氛圍
12/20 3 PM 報到 | 12/27 12 PM 圓滿 | 12/27 2-4 PM 茶會交流
四無量心(慈、悲、喜、捨),亦名四梵住,為佛教最早與最根本的禪修方法之一。根據《清淨道論》的說法,佛陀所教導的禪修方法中有三個必修法門,四無量心便為其中之一,因為它可以消除惡意,平息焦慮,並促進團體的和諧。這個方法不僅能增長修行者的定 (samadhi),也能幫助解決人際關係問題,使得它成為最適合在家人士修習的禪修方法;此外,它所培養的禪修技巧以及經驗能在進一步作為修行內觀 (vipassana) 的基礎。