Grand Opening
Amata Meditation Center Grand Opening Ceremony
AMATA 醍醐寺開幕儀式
On April 8th, 2023 in Boyds, Maryland, religious delegates, county officials, and devotees celebrated the grand opening of Amatavihara Meditation Center by US Zen Institute. The modern, state-of-the-art facility was the result of a multi-year effort led by the abbot of US Zen Institute, Venerable Dr. Dhammadipa Sak. The center, which aims to serve the local community and beyond, was honored by speeches from the following speakers:
Jhayi Shih Cheng (“Shih Mom”) 施真禪師 (“石媽媽“), Founder and Meditation Instructor of Mount Kinabalu Meditation Centre, Sabah, Malaysia & Noble Silence Meditation Center, Yunlin, Taiwan | 沙巴神山禪修中心 台灣聖默禪院內觀禪修中心 導師
Mr. Marc Elrich, County Executive, Montgomery County | 蒙哥馬利縣政府 縣長
Mr. Evan Glass, County Council President, Montgomery County | 蒙哥馬利縣政府 縣議會主席
Ms. Dawn Luedtke, County Councilmember, Montgomery County | 蒙哥馬利縣政府 縣議員
Mr. Nitin Ajmera, President, Parliament of World’s Religions | 世界宗教議會 會長
Rev. Leo Lefebure, Matteo Ricci, S.J., Professor of Theology, Georgetown University | 喬治城大學 利瑪竇神學教授

After blessings of a Farsi poem as well as Pali chanting, Venerable Dr. Dhammadipa Sak and Jhayi Shih Cheng unveiled a historic Gandhara Buddha statue from the 2nd century CE. Attendees joined together to pay respect to the Buddha with with five symbolic offerings of light, flowers, water, perfumed smoke, and fruit.
Our mission is to promote long-term peace and well-being for all beings through the practice of samatha (concentration) and vipassana (insight) meditation. We strive to cultivate goodness in all people and to foster harmony across Buddhist lineages. Our meditation method is accessible to people of all religions, cultures, and nationalities, and we welcome everyone to learn and practice together in a diverse and inclusive community. We extend our deepest gratitude to all the donors and contributors who made this vision a reality.
本中心的宗旨為踐行「眾生和天人長遠安穏與利益」,修習止、觀及其教理,陶冶人類的善行。 致力於調柔佛教宗派,弘揚跨越宗教、文化與國界的禪法,敞開雙臂歡迎各方的有志者前來參學。 我們深深感謝所有的捐助者和貢獻者使這一願景成為現實。