Amata Center 醍醐寺
醍醐寺禪修中心 Amata Meditation Center

宗旨 Our Mission
踐行「眾生和天人長遠安穏與利益」的宗旨,修習止、觀及其教理,陶冶人類的善行。 致力於調柔佛教宗派,弘揚跨越宗教、文化與國界的禪法,敞開雙臂歡迎各方的有志者前來參學。
Putting into practice our mission statement of “for the long-term peace and benefits of all beings, devas, and humans.“ By practicing samatha and vipassana and learning their principles, we will be able to cultivate the goodness in mankind. We strive to foster harmony among different Buddhist lineages, promote a meditation method that crosses the boundary of religion, culture, and national border. We open our arms to welcome all with aspiration to come to learn together.